Let Me Gush About Gogs

So, fairly recently, I needed to mirror a private git repository from an external site to an internal site. I searched the interwebs far and wide to try and figure out the best way to do this. I thought, “Perhaps I could just run a git instance on my team’s build server? That way, the new guy can see the code until we get him the licenses he needs in order to use the external site....

October 20, 2016 · 2 min · 279 words · CJ Coffey

How To Make A Website

How To Make A Website It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a blog post, but after I was asked how I make and deploy my website, I thought I’d write up a little something. This post will show you how to serve a static site with firebase and how to link up your own custom domain to it as well. DISCLAIMER You should be comfortable with the command line for this tutorial....

October 18, 2016 · 5 min · 956 words · CJ Coffey

Ionic 2 Tutorial Part 2

Photo Storage Tutorial Part 2 Writing Unit Tests for your Ionic 2 app DISCLAIMER Because Angular 2 is still putting out release candidates at this time (2016-08-23), some of what you see may not be applicable to whatever version is currently out when you read this. I’ll try to update this article when I can if/when a definite testing strategy is put out by the angular team. Intro GitHub repo for this tutorial at https://github....

August 22, 2016 · 12 min · 2454 words · CJ Coffey

Ionic 2 Tutorial Part 1

Photo Storage Tutorial Part 1 Using Ionic 2 and Firebase 3 to store your photos in a relatively secure location GitHub repo for this tutorial at https://github.com/dually8/Ionic2-Workshop So, I initially made this workshop/tutorial thing for work, but since I started a blog, a friend/colleague of mine said I should put it here. So, here we go. Let’s look at what you’ll be making, first. Essentially, we have a login page with email and password, a main page for taking photos and uploading them, and a secondary page for viewing your saved photos (which pulls from Firebase)....

August 18, 2016 · 9 min · 1883 words · CJ Coffey


Initial Commit So…my first post on my first website that’s not MySpace. Neat. There’s a lot of stuff I need to do in order to clean up and make this place my own. I’ll be blogging about stuff I found that’s neat. I might make a few tutorials. Who knows? We’ll see. I just hope I don’t get sued for something I didn’t know about. Anyways, have a random gif to brighten your day....

August 14, 2016 · 1 min · 74 words · CJ Coffey